Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Truth searching.

During the time when Zedian was born, i didn't know anything. And had to do my own research. From there i started to learn about organic food. I started to learn about the toxic pesticides contain in non organic food. From there, I started giving organic food to my son. Later, i begin my quest to search for the best milk bottle for him. Then I found out about bisphenol A, BPA that is a toxic chemical that is found in most plastic bottle, canned food. After which, when i was searching for the best body wash for him, i learn about SLS, parabens, artificial fragrance. I learn that all those long word ingredients in the bodywash/shampoos that is commonly found in supermarket are just man made synthetic ingredients that is harmful to us.

Think about this, will you eat your shampoo? your soap? Of course, the answer is no. But the truth is our skin has pores, and it consume the soap and shampoo into your body. You said you wont eat them, but it had been already consumed by your body for so many years... Imagine how much is being accumulated.

My quest does not stop now. I soon learn about the truth about multi millionaire companies that will do anything that will make profit. Like drug companies convincing public that fever is bad and should be suppress. When the truth is that fever is a healing process where by our body induces thermal energy to kill the virus, to prevent the virus from replicating. If we suppress the fever, we are actually preventing this wonderful process that it is by nature intended to be this way and suppressing it will cause other disastrous harm as well..

I am really in awe by the things that our body can do. All these processes, it's really amazing.

Another thing is that mass production is also a very bad method in the industry today. Because of profit, they inject hormones, antibodies into live stock, gmo-food that will allow the livestock to grow in a shorter period of time, and their cruel raising methods of livestock. Like enclosing the chicken in a gigantic container without sunlight, only food and water for them to grow, and the chickens can't even walk properly. If they are being treated this way, do you think that by eating these chicken you will get any nutritional things from it?

Today, i learn about the fact. About the fact that most common believes we have today are wrong. The things that the media, our parents told us was wrong. And all these believes are being passed down for many many years.

The first believe is that we should reduce fever.
Yes unless is more than 41.5 degrees celsius.
you can read it here
They are really food articles, with prove from research and studies.

The second believe is that cancer is bad, and we should destroy the cancer cells by toxic chemotherapy, radiation. Wait! radiation is cancer causing too right?
about cancer,

I mean i feel like i don't know if i should believe sources that i think that is reliable anymore. You have to search for the truth, and not believe everything about what people say.

Like i didn't know what vaccination is about, and i blindly give it to my son. What if he has autism when he is 4? The person to blame is definitely me, because it's my responsibility to ensure that he is safe. It's my responsibility as a mother, to make sure everything that is given to him is safe.
And i failed as a mum when i have vaccinated him. Jeopardizing his health... The increase risk of future diseases.

Be hungry for knowledge. Learn!