Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hi.. semester exams are OVER. Results are out too. Mummy did well but not good enough to go uni. Heard that uni needs a gpa of 3.60 i only got 3.48. Have to work harder if i want to go uni..

Zedian Has mastered walking... he even run a little.. He take your things and run when you chase him hahahaha. He learns to walk at 11 and a half months! I am so proud. haha. Some people ask me how come he know how to walk already.

I would like to make use of my holiday and teach him more stuff... DON'T SLACK MICHELLE!

Oh.... i brought him to studio for a photoshoot, the pictures came out well... but only got 5... if want 20 must add $288....... so RIDICULOUS. Total have 133 photos.... if you choose 5 they will delete the rest, if you want more pictures you must have $$. I cannot imagine that they can actually delete those beautiful cute pictures... Thats how studio earn money anyway.. Stupid concept that earns money.

Zedian birthday cake is very beautiful.... But my camera is at malaysia..... Gotta ask my husband father to pass it back to us!

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