Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Baby zedian photo

He is yawning lol.

Qian wen gave this bathe robe to Zedian

Facinated by his toys.

Looking at his hanging toys.

Daydreaming haha.

He is so tan!


-> -_-



Deep in sleep

Peeping 0.0

His mouth *o*


When he was just born.

Time past so fast. Zedian is now already 3 months. Above is most of the pictures i have taken. Have his look change? lol. He is now able to put his hands together , grab toys, and taste them! haha. He loves to bathe. His leg will keep on kick kick kick, lol. When he is older, like 6 months then i will bring him swimming~Zedian loves to look at the mouse which i hang on the wall. He will even smile and talk to them! He knows how to scream too~=_=

I will be at singapore now. Cause it is quite difficult for him to keep adjusting his environment. He will be scare. So most probably i won't be returning to Malaysia for the time being.

Zedian's profile
Name: Ng Shan Wei Zedian
Milk:breast milk

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