Sunday, December 7, 2008

His 1st swim! He is very happy in the tub. Constantly jumping with excitement. He can even turn in the tub. So cute xD. My phone camera is very lousy=.= He keep on move, that's why i could not take pictures of him clearly. Gotta find a better camera =( And i gotta get a bigger tub!

Playing with his toys

I was playing the aeroplane game with him, when i took these pictures. ( he was flying with the support of my legs =x). He looked very blur and sometimes when i play this game with him, he will smile and cooed back happily at me =).

His saliva. lol

Zedian's dada is coming sg this week! I don't know what reaction will he have when he see his dad. Hopefully a positive one! It's been 1 and a half months since he last saw his dad. I am hoping and waiting for his dad to come sg to work next year. Hopefully everything will work out next year. =)

Zedian is 6.4kg and 62 cm tall when he is 3 months. I was quite sad when the doctor said he has eczema skin. But i got this really good cream to recommend, after few application, his skin condition has improved! It's california baby canlendula cream. =)

A couple of videos below.

This is a video of him playing with his gym.

He was making alot of sounds, and his legs was kicking and kicking ~.~

he is swimming!

I apologise for all those unclear video =(. Hope you enjoyed.

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