Thursday, June 18, 2009

A battle.

Zedian is teething and because of that he actually had a fever. It was on wed when Zedian's teacher called me and inform me that he had a fever of 38.4 degree c. I had to rush down and pick him up and bring him to the doctor. Actually it was the first time Zedian had a fever, so I was very nervous and I didn't know what to do. Well, waited quite long to see the doctor about 1 hr +. Zedian was already very whinny because of the long wait. Thank God he didn't have any ear infections. It was due to the fact that he was in infant childcare ( very prong to viruses) as well as he is teething. The doctor actually lectured me about fever. Well, It was very informative. I learnt that fever is actually very common and no need to worry so much unless there are serious issues like, irritable, drowsy, vomit. But still have to keep a look on the temperature of the baby. Brain damage can only caused when the fever is above 41 degrees c. Zedian was basically very fuzzy the whole day, as he was sick. I was extremely patient with him. At night it was very difficult for me, his temperature is constantly rising and i had to keep it down by applying wet towel on his forehead and constantly take his temperature. At 1 point, his temperature had gone up to 39.9 degree c and then 40.1 degree c I was so worried that i rush to my mom's room and told her we have to go hospital. But thankfully, after cooling down Zedian and apply wet towels his temperature gone down to 39.4 degree c. I did not sleep the whole night. ~.~ I only manage to sleep about 4 am + and when i sleep i still can automatically wake up and take temperature for him. I think that is a magic of a mummy! The following day, Zedian's temperature had gone down to 38 degree c. And today he is much better. Thank God!

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