Thursday, June 11, 2009

Zedian is now 9months 3 weeks. Time past so fast! But right now he is experiencing separation anxiety. Whenever i leave him, he will cry. And this usually peaks around 9 months. I am trying to let him learn that goodbye means mummy will come back. Cause babies at this age usually thinks that bye bye mummy is gone.

Zedian is coping rather well in school! He is learning new things every single day. And he is such a clever boy! He knows how to grab my attention by doing things that applease me. That night when he was about to sleep, he clap his hands! I was very happy. But it was time to go to sleep and he clap=.= lol, means he doesn't want to sleep. But i got so excited that i ask every1 in my family to come to see. Then the following day, before he sleep at night, he did it again..... But this time i inorge him. LOL, i am not a evil mummy, when it's time to sleep, it's time to sleep!

He loves book! I did mention b4? Book is his pacifier! He chooeses books over toys. And he can flip it very well as if he is actually reading it. Parenting from young is very important I remeber introducing Zedian to book when he can actually sit up around 3~5 months. And I will read to him every single day. He will get very upset if he can't flip it.

Children are very clever! Never underestimate them.

Zedian knows quite alot of things now!
1.Clap hand
2. Act cough
3. Diao diao diao (jump)
7. High five
8. Mum Mum (eat)
9.Blow raspberry
10. Roll ball ( he will roll back to u!)
11. Bye Bye ( he did it today)
12.Stand without support 10s?

He actually knows where are the birds, light, tree, and buildings.
I am so proud of him, and will definitely try my best to teach him!

Now..... I am trying to teach him to fall alseep on his on. Sounds easy? It is hard!!!!
My mum always interferes with me=.=

OK gotta sleep soon incase Zedian wakes!

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