Friday, June 26, 2009

Hi guys! Mommy past her exams fairly well! However have to stay concentrated and work harder! Mommy is so busy this week! Zedian is still sick the whole week, down with cough and flu. He is unable to attend childcare and Zedian's grandmother is taking care of him. But Zedian grandmother is sick too! Zedian will not recover at fast pace =(.

It's been hard for Zedian as he is teething.. He feels so uncomfortable that he consistently scratch his ears till his tissues tear =(.

Mommy teached Zedian a new skill again! How to drink from a straw. I felt so happy and proud when he learnt it! LOL, he cough everytime he took a sip! Mummy is waiting for his straw bottle to arrive. Haha.

The bad news. Mommy's milk is on low supply... I have not be taking care of myself lately! I should drink more fluids and take fenugreek! If not... I have no choice to supplement him with formula. However WHO recommends breastfeeding up to 2 yrs of age. Well, I will see how it goes.

Zedian has been waking up quite frequently at night. Mommy is quite exhausted. =( School is long, and sleep is short. I have to endure!

I miss Qian Wen.. So long never meet up. Sorry i am really too busy =(

My routine... Wake up, brush teeth change, feed Zedian, School. 12-1pm head home/childcare to feed him. 6 returns home, eat, plays with Zedian, change him, read story book, feed him and settles him to sleep. By the time is already 8pm.. I will have to bath. And relax alittle bit. And is 9pm.

How can i have a CCA =.=

I hope Zedian gets well soon. And i hope he can stand up unsupported himself soon!

Everyday is exciting and enjoyable to see Zedian grow up!

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