Thursday, October 15, 2009

Zedian photo shoots pictures are out.. Ain't he cute?

Anyway i virtually spent the whole holiday with my deary son. We sure have alot of fun, and I did have a lot of chances to teach him new stuffs. And schools is going to start next week.. Less time for Zedian.. And the timetable sure looks like crap. I am sad. I want to spent more time with my deary son! I need to start working hard already, the world is gonna end soon.. Do you believe?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hi.. semester exams are OVER. Results are out too. Mummy did well but not good enough to go uni. Heard that uni needs a gpa of 3.60 i only got 3.48. Have to work harder if i want to go uni..

Zedian Has mastered walking... he even run a little.. He take your things and run when you chase him hahahaha. He learns to walk at 11 and a half months! I am so proud. haha. Some people ask me how come he know how to walk already.

I would like to make use of my holiday and teach him more stuff... DON'T SLACK MICHELLE!

Oh.... i brought him to studio for a photoshoot, the pictures came out well... but only got 5... if want 20 must add $288....... so RIDICULOUS. Total have 133 photos.... if you choose 5 they will delete the rest, if you want more pictures you must have $$. I cannot imagine that they can actually delete those beautiful cute pictures... Thats how studio earn money anyway.. Stupid concept that earns money.

Zedian birthday cake is very beautiful.... But my camera is at malaysia..... Gotta ask my husband father to pass it back to us!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Hi guys, sorry for the lack of updates. LOL. Semester exams are coming!

Okie, i am going to update on Zedian right now, anyway he is a genius... Not that i want to boast, I am happy to tell! He sign for MILK MILK. I am so happy, haha. Been teaching him the sign for milk milk since he is 6 months old. Now, he is 11 months, and he can sign for milk milk. He will come to me and sign milk milk... So cute right? lol.

He likes bird and animals alot. He will make sound woo woo whenever he sees a bird. He will point to things when you ask him to. Eg, bird, dog, tree, car, mickey mouse, tortise, book, kitten, mittens, ball..

He also can make sounds like yes, ball, bathe, numbers, mum mum, mama, milk milk. He will point to you and point to the things he want, means he want you to help him take. He can also lift up both his hands, and ask you to carry him. He can walk with support too, like me pulling 1 of his hands and he will start walking. He can also push his walking toy to everywhere he wants, like a shopping cart. Haha. His birthday is coming! yay. Hope he can walk before his birthday! And another thing to rejoice, is that Zedian is sleeping through the night already! And he is cutting his eight tooth this few days, it is painful.. He actually have 4 on top and 3 below, now another 1 below! Okie. Will update soon again. See ya.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Hi guys! Mommy past her exams fairly well! However have to stay concentrated and work harder! Mommy is so busy this week! Zedian is still sick the whole week, down with cough and flu. He is unable to attend childcare and Zedian's grandmother is taking care of him. But Zedian grandmother is sick too! Zedian will not recover at fast pace =(.

It's been hard for Zedian as he is teething.. He feels so uncomfortable that he consistently scratch his ears till his tissues tear =(.

Mommy teached Zedian a new skill again! How to drink from a straw. I felt so happy and proud when he learnt it! LOL, he cough everytime he took a sip! Mummy is waiting for his straw bottle to arrive. Haha.

The bad news. Mommy's milk is on low supply... I have not be taking care of myself lately! I should drink more fluids and take fenugreek! If not... I have no choice to supplement him with formula. However WHO recommends breastfeeding up to 2 yrs of age. Well, I will see how it goes.

Zedian has been waking up quite frequently at night. Mommy is quite exhausted. =( School is long, and sleep is short. I have to endure!

I miss Qian Wen.. So long never meet up. Sorry i am really too busy =(

My routine... Wake up, brush teeth change, feed Zedian, School. 12-1pm head home/childcare to feed him. 6 returns home, eat, plays with Zedian, change him, read story book, feed him and settles him to sleep. By the time is already 8pm.. I will have to bath. And relax alittle bit. And is 9pm.

How can i have a CCA =.=

I hope Zedian gets well soon. And i hope he can stand up unsupported himself soon!

Everyday is exciting and enjoyable to see Zedian grow up!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

A battle.

Zedian is teething and because of that he actually had a fever. It was on wed when Zedian's teacher called me and inform me that he had a fever of 38.4 degree c. I had to rush down and pick him up and bring him to the doctor. Actually it was the first time Zedian had a fever, so I was very nervous and I didn't know what to do. Well, waited quite long to see the doctor about 1 hr +. Zedian was already very whinny because of the long wait. Thank God he didn't have any ear infections. It was due to the fact that he was in infant childcare ( very prong to viruses) as well as he is teething. The doctor actually lectured me about fever. Well, It was very informative. I learnt that fever is actually very common and no need to worry so much unless there are serious issues like, irritable, drowsy, vomit. But still have to keep a look on the temperature of the baby. Brain damage can only caused when the fever is above 41 degrees c. Zedian was basically very fuzzy the whole day, as he was sick. I was extremely patient with him. At night it was very difficult for me, his temperature is constantly rising and i had to keep it down by applying wet towel on his forehead and constantly take his temperature. At 1 point, his temperature had gone up to 39.9 degree c and then 40.1 degree c I was so worried that i rush to my mom's room and told her we have to go hospital. But thankfully, after cooling down Zedian and apply wet towels his temperature gone down to 39.4 degree c. I did not sleep the whole night. ~.~ I only manage to sleep about 4 am + and when i sleep i still can automatically wake up and take temperature for him. I think that is a magic of a mummy! The following day, Zedian's temperature had gone down to 38 degree c. And today he is much better. Thank God!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Zedian is now 9months 3 weeks. Time past so fast! But right now he is experiencing separation anxiety. Whenever i leave him, he will cry. And this usually peaks around 9 months. I am trying to let him learn that goodbye means mummy will come back. Cause babies at this age usually thinks that bye bye mummy is gone.

Zedian is coping rather well in school! He is learning new things every single day. And he is such a clever boy! He knows how to grab my attention by doing things that applease me. That night when he was about to sleep, he clap his hands! I was very happy. But it was time to go to sleep and he clap=.= lol, means he doesn't want to sleep. But i got so excited that i ask every1 in my family to come to see. Then the following day, before he sleep at night, he did it again..... But this time i inorge him. LOL, i am not a evil mummy, when it's time to sleep, it's time to sleep!

He loves book! I did mention b4? Book is his pacifier! He chooeses books over toys. And he can flip it very well as if he is actually reading it. Parenting from young is very important I remeber introducing Zedian to book when he can actually sit up around 3~5 months. And I will read to him every single day. He will get very upset if he can't flip it.

Children are very clever! Never underestimate them.

Zedian knows quite alot of things now!
1.Clap hand
2. Act cough
3. Diao diao diao (jump)
7. High five
8. Mum Mum (eat)
9.Blow raspberry
10. Roll ball ( he will roll back to u!)
11. Bye Bye ( he did it today)
12.Stand without support 10s?

He actually knows where are the birds, light, tree, and buildings.
I am so proud of him, and will definitely try my best to teach him!

Now..... I am trying to teach him to fall alseep on his on. Sounds easy? It is hard!!!!
My mum always interferes with me=.=

OK gotta sleep soon incase Zedian wakes!

Friday, April 17, 2009

LOL i upload most of them. Zedian is already coming 8 months! He is very naughty. Nowadays likes to throw things on the floor, den after it dropped, he will look at the floor. He is actually learning cause and effect now! He also likes to look at his hand. He will look and then rotate his hand. He has a favorite book too. It's called the going to bed book. I will read to him everyday b4 he sleeps. And when he lay down on his cot, and i read to him the book, he will also calm down. I can memorise the whole book already=.= haha

He LOVES book, he loves to chew, flip and play with the BOOKS. Reading books is good to babies as they will learn how to read. And it is also a good habit too.

I am still waiting for Zedian to sign milk to me. HAHA. I teach him a sign for milk, and whenever i nurse him i will sign milk milk to him. Although he still dunno how to sign to me yet, whenever i sign to him milk he will respond to me. If he wants he will ennnnn ennnnnnn, if he dun wants, he won't even bother to look at you. lol.

Actually i find breastfeeding a gift from God. I enjoy every moment whenever i nurse Zedian. He is close to me, and i can rub his fore head and cuddle him nicely. And bedtime is acceptionately easy as whenever i complete the bedtime routine( bathe,brush teeth, read book and nurse) he is fast asleep.

I also notice that he knows what it means when i say Good Night Baby Zedian. Whenever he wakes up in the middle of the night, i will say Good Night Baby Zedian, he will lie down and sleep again.

He still doesn't sleep through the night, but i am sure he will in times to come. He can stand up now! Times flies so fast, that he is going through the milestones so quickly.

For me i have started school, and will be putting Zedian at infant childcare. I hope everything will be well and joyful. And that's all! Good Bye.